Sunday, February 27, 2011

Learning from the Master - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, 蘋果總裁.

他最有名, 最能撼動人心的就是2005年在史丹佛畢業典禮那場演說.
"求知若飢, 虛心若愚" (Stay hungry, Stay foolish)

他簡報的特色是大量圖片, 輔以少量文字說明.

"大家來看賈伯斯, 向蘋果的表演大師學簡報"

提到Steve Jobs之所以與眾不同的幾個特點:
-  在開始製作投影片之前, 先準備好你的紙與筆.
   試著用心思考, 擬定腳本, 如何將關鍵訊息傳達給觀眾.
-  減少使用文字, 視覺圖像是最有力的傳達管道.
-  不斷地練習, 練習, 練習. 力求完美.
- ...

簡報是一門藝術, 追求完美是沒有極限的, 


Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple.
He is as well as one of the greatest presenters.

The most famous and impressive presentation is Stanford commencement speech in 2005.
"Stay hungry, stay foolish"

iPad announcement.
Instead of understanding the specs of the new product,
People are more willing to know how iPad affect their lives.
Steve present from users' perspectives.
Most of the slides simply show one image.
There is very little text on his slide.

I have read a book to talk about the skills used in Steve Jobs' presentation.
"The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience"

Steve Jobs's presentation is incredible because:
- Before opening the presentation software, prepare your pen and paper first.
  Start by thinking, sketching, and scripting.
  Think about how you can deliver key messages to the audience.
- Use little text only. Visualization is the most powerful method to convince people.
- Practice, practice, and practice. Make all perfect.
- ...

Presentation is an art.
The road to seek excellence is endless.
Learning from the master can make us better and better.

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